2021 Company Trends
2021 is well on its way and as we enter the second quarter of the year, is your company keeping up and staying on trend?
We look at three 2021 tends that all companies need to consider, and with the COVID-19 pandemic here to stay (for the near future at least), new trends have emerged.
It’s a word on the tip of everyone’s tongue and a question every company is asking itself. How do we pivot? How do we become more relevant during the Coronavirus pandemic and an era of change?
With 23% of small businesses reporting temporarily closing their business entirely since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic (US Chamber of Commerce), companies have spent the last couple of month’s scrambling to find ways in which they can pivot their business offerings, processes and services to suit the changing times. And for those that have managed to pivot, some have seen great success (CNN).
If this is something your company is still considering, Forbes shares ways in which you can pivot your business and stay relevant to the times.
In an article on the trends defining 2021, The McKinsey Global Institute estimates that more than 20 percent of the global workforce could work the majority of its time away from the office and be just as effective.
What does this mean for your business? It means setting up for a successful transition to remote working conditions. Before Covid, working from home was a wishful thought, however now, companies need to adapt to embrace working from home but also tackle the challenges that remote working presents. Three things come to mind:
Digitisation – companies need to be able to handle the transition in terms of business operations and functionality. They need to equip their employees to work from home by adapting to the requirements of automation, digitisation and other technologies.
Productivity – companies need to ensure that employees are still productive, still engaged and still working efficiently while working from home. They need to look internally to create improved processes more aligned with their working conditions.
Company culture– now more than ever, companies need to embrace and enforce strong company cultures that unite employees, make them feel valuable and reassures that they’re part of a strong team, even while working remotely.
It’s no surprise consumers have changed the way they are interacting with your business. In a survey conducted by McKinsey & Company, at least two-thirds of consumers say they have tried new kinds of shopping with 65 percent or more saying they intend to continue to do so.
Companies need to be researching ongoing consumer behaviour and coming up with new marketing strategies in an effort to figure out how to reach consumers in new ways and make their shopping processes simpler, better and faster for consumers.
So, why is staying on trend so important?
Simply put, if you’re not, you’re left behind. How is your company adapting to these trends?
As specialists in Digitalising Enterprises and Securing Organisations, let us help you stay on trend and construct a digital and secured enterprise that surge in productivity.